LASIK is the most advanced of the refractive surgery techniques. Years ago there was radial keratotomy (or RK). This was followed several years later by PRK, or the first laser technique. We were not comfortable with RK and never recommended the procedure. We became more interested in refractive surgery with the advent of PRK, but still had some questions and again, never recommended it to our patients. With both techniques, we had concerns about long-term safety and accuracy.

LASIK has an excellent safety record and the after-surgery side effects are minimal. We are excited to partner with Dr. Mike Greenwood with Vance Thompson Vision in Fargo for all refractive surgery needs. They have the ability to provide a wide range of surgical options to correct your refractive error even when you are not a candidate for LASIK. They also utilize the newest technology.

Lasik Steps

The LASIK procedure involves cutting a “flap” of corneal tissue from the front surface of your eye and folding that flap back. After the flap is out of the way a computer controlled laser treats your eye for 10 to 90 seconds, depending on the type of correction you need. The flap is then unfolded back to its original position on your eye and you are sent home! The actual procedure happens very quickly. The primary advantage of LASIK is the quick healing. Since the flap is returned back in place, your eye has a natural “bandage” that enhances comfort and faster healing. Our patients who have had this procedure typically drive themselves to our office the day after surgery! They are comfortable enough to do nearly every activity and see well enough to drive without glasses. A remarkable recovery! LASIK can correct nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism.

Am I A Candidate?

A complete vision examination at InVision Eye Care, P.A. can determine whether a patient is an ideal candidate. We work in conjunction with the surgeons during the complete procedure to ensure the best results possible.

Everyone’s eyes are different, and not everyone is suited for refractive surgery. Experience helps an optometrist determine whether or not you are a candidate.

Here are some of the general guidelines for choosing LASIK candidates:

  • Your eyes must be healthy. Health conditions such as chronic dry eyes, conjunctivitis, injury, cataracts, keratoconus, or glaucoma may disqualify you.
  • You must be an adult.
  • You must have stable vision for at least one year.
  • If you are pregnant or nursing, certain hormonal changes will affect your eyes.
  • Degenerative or autoimmune diseases are disqualifiers as well.

What is the schedule for LASIK?

Typically you would need to schedule your surgery about 1 – 3 months ahead. One week before the procedure you will be seen at our office for a final eye health evaluation, a corneal topography (contour map of the front surface of your eye) and a cycloplegic refraction. A cycloplegic refraction simply means the optometrist will check your spectacle prescription after instilling eye drops that dilate your eyes. On the day of surgery, the surgeon’s office will do a couple of final measurements and perform the LASIK procedure. Depending on where the procedure is done you may be seen the next day at their office or our office. We will do all the post-op care for six months: one week, one month, three months, and six months.